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Tag: Altos de Chavon

Accidental Adventures and Other Impromptu Fun

By: Kim Sanchez InteRDom Correspondent, Kim, has completed three years of her Bachelor's degree in Film and Video at the Visual Arts College at the University of Toledo in Ohio. She is participating in the 2013 10-week Caribbean Summer Program. You can read more about Kim and her participation in the Correspondent Program here. Two weeks ago, Ikenna and I took a spur-of-the-moment excursion to Los Tres Ojos, a beautiful cave with three underground lakes. There, we practiced our photography skills and took some cool long exposures in the dark. Next, we bartered for some cool gifts for our families. Then, I called a taxi to bring us to our final destination, Agora Mall. After... Read More

Tag: Altos de Chavon

My Homeland

By: Ikenna Okoro InteRDom Correspondent, Ikenna, has recently completed his undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of Miami, Florida and is participating in the 2013 10-week Graduate and Gap Year Program. You can read more about Ikenna and his participation in the Correspondent Program here. Outside of work there are many opportunities for enjoying oneself and self growth. For example... Learning how to cook... (I gave some to our security guards of the apartment and they were not impressed. If you don't know how to cook, trust me its fine, your roommates can teach you. Oh and FYI, this was my first time cooking rice, I'm a little bit better now.) Learning how to... Read More