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At InteRDom, we understand that additional coursework is sometimes necessary in order for undergraduate students to stay on track to graduate from their home universities.

Students interested in adding an academic component to their internship or research program have the opportunity to enroll in a wide range of summer courses, academic semesters and other continuing education programs at the Iberoamericana University (UNIBE) or the Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (IGLOBAL) in a variety of disciplines.

Graduate students can validate their credits by taking courses in Public Administration, Political Science for Development, Sustainable Urban Development, International Relations, International Business, Constitutional Law, Administration of State and Company Management and a variety of other areas at the Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (IGLOBAL).

logo_isoc-unibeUNIBE and IGLOBAL are well-known educational institutions in the Dominican Republic, both offering double-degree programs in connection with international universities like Florida International University (USA), Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), University of Salamanca (Spain) and the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France).

All students interested in transferring credits should consult with their universities about how to have their coursework recognized and receive credit from our affiliated universities.