The 9th Annual National Dominican Student Conference drew to a close on Sunday, March 29th at the University of Pennsylvania with the traditional mangú brunch and a time for reflecting on all of the friendships and professional connections created and/or edified over the weekend. InteRDom met dozens of students interested in performing internships in the Dominican Republic, as well as partnering with the Global Dominican Academic Exchange Program to host groups of Dominican students on their own campuses. With a booth at the opening night registration and representatives in attendance at the Saturday evening Professionals and Alumni Mixer, InteRDom forged new connections and introduced students from universities across the United States to its programs. The... Read More
For the eighth consecutive year, InteRDom will attend the 9th National Dominican Student Conference, hosted by Grupo Quisqueyano at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, from March 27-29th, 2015. The theme for this year’s conference is: "La Evolución De Nuestra Generación: De Dónde Venimos y Hacia Dónde Nos Dirigimos,” which translates to “The Evolution of Our Generation: Where We Come From and Where We are Heading,” and will focus on how the current Dominican generation is influenced by generations past, and the challenges that face future generations. InteRDom will join more than 400 Dominican college students from across the country at this professional student conference, and will be distributing information about the InteRDom, Fellows, and Global... Read More