June 15, 2011

InteRDom Re-launches Blog

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InteRDom Internships in the Dominican Republic is excited to re-launch the renovated and improved InteRDom Blog.

The new blog will feature personal stories which reflect the many facets of the program, featuring posts both in English and Spanish on topics such as international education, global business practices, student life of InteRDom interns, current events in the Caribbean, scholarship and funding resources, innovative programming and any other topic that would appeal to one or more of InteRDom’s audiences: students, university personnel and professors, Dominican organizations, Diaspora, researchers.

InteRDom is now receiving submissions from partners, friends and alumni of the program who would like to participate in this initiative.  If you would like to submit a proposal for a post on the blog, please send your ideas to the blog administrators at students@interdominternships.org for consideration.

You can also get involved in the blog by disseminating the link through your social media accounts and personal webpages.